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Man in the Mirror

You know, I don't know have much to say about Michael Jackson's death. I have never been a fan of his music. I can't say that his death was shocking. I reckon the only song I liked from Michael is Man in the Mirror. And the version I like is by some A Cappella group. I firmly believe that there isn't a place on earth that hasn't heard of Michael Jackson. That's how big a star he is. If you are a fan of MJ, I hope you celebrate his life the best way you can. Lots of stories will be told in the coming days and weeks. For starters, his nanny and ex-wife has had their say. But as always, we can choose what to believe and not...

The H1N1 flu is worrying. Just yesterday, Singapore had a total of 145 new cases. This brings the total number of cases to 599. That is worrying considering the small population we have on this sunny island. I don't know if the government could have handled this any better. Could they? I have an event later this month that may be canceled. If would be a bitch if it is! I can only hope that things improve for the better.

The public has a huge role to play if we are to fight the H1N1. Here are the common H1N1 flu symptoms:
* Cough
* Congestion
* Nasal Congestion
* Nausea/Vomiting
* Diarrhea
* Body aches
* Joint Pains
* Fevers
* Sore throat
* Headaches
* Fatigue
* Decreased energy

You have any of the above symptoms, visit your family doctor or hospital ASAP! You can also call 993 for an ambulance. Your family, boss, colleagues and friends would appreciate it if you are KIASU. If there is one time for Singaporeans to be KIASU, it's now! If you are sick, make sure you are first in line when the clinic opens! Make sure you are the first to alert your boss or teacher if you think someone is unwell. Being KIASU might not be a bad thing after all...

The most important mindset I think all Singaporeans should have and cultivate is to 'love and care for one another'. Once we have that, we can probably wipe out the ugly behavior and Singaporean mentality that makes a lot of us cringe. Don't ya'll think?


  1. Dude... we share the same taste... Man in the Mirror is my fav song.

    I accidentally use my other blog to post it. LOL

  2. First Babyface now Man in the Mirror. Cool bro!!


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