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Miami Ink Season 4

Season 4 hits Asia next Sunday, 6th July at 11.00pm (Singapore time). Yep, the 5 tattooed boys from Miami are back on Travel & Living Asia. Here's what to look out for in Season 4.

* Baby Dre and the awesome Tim Hendricks join the team.
* Ami James and Chris Nunez open a new tattoo shop.
* Yoji Harada develops a skin disease.
* More cool tattoos and stories...

Be sure to catch all this and more next Sunday!


  1. tim hendricks is an awesome artist! seen some of his work online and on a couple of episodes of Miami Ink as well, superb i tell ya! i would say, second best artist on the line-up currently, behind Garver of coz. =)

  2. hi i am from Mexico and i love miami ink and Tim.

  3. hi im a girl from Denmark and se miami ink and think that Baby Dre is so cool and yours tattoos is really cool!!!! -and its fun when your all just pist off and its like bib bib bib....

  4. Hello Denmark! I believe this is the first comment from Denmark on this blog. Thanks babe!!!

    I hope all is well with you and all is good in Denmark. Baby Dre is cool and she adds a new dimension to the show. =)


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