- Your favorite drinking game is Do A Shot Every Time You Do A Shot.
- Your idea of a seven-course meal is a six-pack and a pizza.
- TV beer ads have started addressing you by name.
- Someone offers you palm wine and you think they’re out of glassware.
- You brush your teeth with bourbon. It hasn’t helped cut down on cavities, but who cares?
- When a begger asks, “Can you give me a $$$ for some beer?” you reply, “Okay, but I want to taste it first.”
- You know heavy drinking makes you smarter because you can never remember doing anything stupid while blacked out.
- You have a split personality—every time you meet someone with booze you want to split it with them.
- You were so drunk at the office Xmas party that you kissed your own wife.
- You’ve never been to Afghanistan or Pakistan, but you’re a frequent visitor to Imtoodrunktostan.
- You become sexually aroused by the tapping of a jug.
- You know you can use Jagermeister as cough syrup. And visa versa.
- Your 86s are passed down to your grandchildren.
u know u’re a drunkard when… (03)
Reviewed by
Noel Boyd
March 26, 2006
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