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Endorsement by Ross Watch

The last time I wore a watch was in 2004. It's not that I don't like watches. I think watches are good accessories to have. It's just that I've never gotten around to buying a watch. I'll look at a model and go "This is cool" only to see another and go "This is cooler!!!".

Today, my wrist isn't lonely no more. It's got this fantastic watch (picture above) as company! The kind people of ROSS WATCH are kindly endorsing yours truly. I guess you could say I'm now their ambassador. I am super stoked about this partnership and I'm looking forward to helping the owner, Kai, get the name ROSS WATCH out to the masses!

So for starters, visit their website and become a fan of their Facebook page by clicking here.

(ps: My son became an Ambassador of ROSS WATCH way before me. He's their Junior Ambassador!)


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