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Mysterious creature found in Canada, Ontario lake

Article & Images from: Calgary Herald

A strange and ugly creature has washed ashore in a northern Ontario First Nations community and it is being treated as a bad omen. The creature, which is over 20 centimetres long and has a bare, gargoyle-like face and furry body, was found in a lake on the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug reserve, some 200 kilometres south of Hudson Bay, earlier this month by hikers.

The mutant animal is bald on its face, head and feet and has tusk-like teeth.

I know its got nothing to do with this creature but I am a firm believer that Big Foot does exist along with the Loch Ness Monster. Ok, now that some of you think I'm mad, let's talk about this creature that was found.

It looks like a wild boar and the bottom half of it looks like an otter. Maybe a naughty otter hooked up with a boar on heat and they had a little jungle fun? Or this could be one of god's creations gone wrong. Another possibility is that this animal was born with deformities and it drowned...


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