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Some of you might agree and some of you well, might disagree. I firmly believe that there are two types of fathers. Those that are there for their children and those that aren't. It's as simple as that! And no, giving the wife money every month for the household and children just isn't good enough. Sure it helps but there's more to the role of being a dad.

I totally understand if you are a father that works in a foreign country and you don't get to see your children as often as you like. It's even worse if you are a divorcee and you don't have custody of your little ones. But I sincerely hope you're making the effort to call them every chance you get.

I'm really big on the role of being a father to Drayden. I love him so much that I can't imagine life without him. For the past two years, I look forward to seeing his adorable face each morning when I wake up. The days where I didn't see him for reasons not worth mentioning here, were days where a smile didn't exist.

Well, there is a new movement in Singapore that I am excited to be a part of. It's a movement called DadsforLife that all fathers should be involved in. If you are a dad to be, don't wait for the birth of your child before signing up. Do it now! I'm sure you'll get awesome advise on the forum and Facebook group.

DadsforLife is an initiative of the National Family Council, and is supported by the Fathers Action Network (FAN). DADs for Life hopes to inspire all Dads to play a more active role in their children's life. With the many organizations involved in this movement, Dads now have all the support and guidance to be the best fatherly figures for their children.

It's really easy to sign up for DadsforLife. All you need to do is visit It doesn't cost you anything and it takes a few minutes to register. Once you're done with the registration, you can request for this brilliant 'toolkit pack' that I received two days ago (picture below). This toolkit contains tips for fathers, a wristband, a custom pin, a photo card and stickers, each carrying a symbolic meaning to be used on calenders and planners.

DADs for Life. It shouldn't be any other way!

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