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Comments on the 90 Day Jane blog

Here's another post about the 90 Day Jane blog. Do expect more posts about this blog for the next 83 days or so. I'm really hoping that Blogspot/Blogger doesn't take down her blog. It really is entertaining! If she does go ahead and kill herself, I might just go "OH SHIT!!". But seriously, that seems highly unlikely. I think she's just some dumb cunt out for attention.

Trust me, she's getting way too much attention. She made it to the news in Europe and she'll be popping up in newspapers around the globe in the next few days. To date, she has received 1519 comments. That's a shit load of comments for seven posts!! I'm really jealous!

Some of these comments are absolutely hilarious. There is this cannibal dude that is offering his services, this bloke from Germany that goes on and on with his bullshit and there's even a poet. Here's a look at some of the comments...

bort said...
You should end it all whilst on the date. Really blow his mind. (so to speak)
Oh yeah,.. post some nude pics too.
To kill yourself without showing off your boobies first would be a crime against humanity.

anonysokko said...
Hi, AnonySokko here, I just wanted to say I'd like to make a sexy time with your dead body. Plzkthxbye! ^_^

nash said...
roses are red violets are blue I want fuck you with a rake

Anonymous said...
It's taking too long...

Piotrish said...
Can I have your skull?

Anonymous said...
hey, cunt!
im serious, roll yourself up in a carpet and roll into like a deep lake. fuck, if you're planning it out, might as well do something noone's ever done before. go skydiving, but don't pull the chute. maybe shit and piss yourself on the way down.

Anonymous said...
I love cheese

Anonymous said...

Big Geordie said...
I hope you get hit by a bus tomorrow, you attention seeking whore :)

Anonymous said...
90 days??? damn, why not like 30, or even 7?

Anonymous said...
What are you selling?
Is it Christ or a video game?

alex said...
Get to Old Trafford, Manchester United. A reason to live. PS I'm not sure if heaven exists by the way, bit of a gamble isn't it? Take care Jane

Anonymous said...
If this turns into some badly written, pre-planned love story in which you feel compelled to change your mind about the whole thing I swear to god I will track you down myself and make you wish your killed yourself.

Anonymous said...
Why can't you be 90 minute jane? We don't have the attention span to last 90 days.. oh look dwarf porn....

Anonymous said...
ok. bye bye

Anonymous said...
Hi Hillary
All this, just because you won't get elected.
There are so many other interesting things to do, ask Bill and Monica.

tarzan said...
Can you please leave Jane and me alone. You are all losers you know.
I alone will be at her side on day 90 and if you all stop your comments as of this moment on, I will put a video on the net so you will all witness what really happened that day.
ps. Cheetah also gives his regards to you all.

Anonymous said...
its britney, bitch!

Visit for more comments and to give Jane some much needed attention!

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