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Another new tattoo...

We headed to Far East Plaza yesterday for Ant's 2nd tattoo session. Her tattoo is turning out pretty nice. I reckon it'll take another 3 more sessions before it's completed. Well, I did an impromptu tattoo yesterday. Within minutes, Vik from E Z Tattoo stenciled the design and we started tattooing. For those that can't make out what it is, its a TURTLE! It's my first local tattoo on my right leg. The other tattoos were done in Bali and Krabi Thailand...


  1. hey Sabrina! am mighty glad you like it! it's sore like a bitch. reckon i'm not gonna wear socks or shoes for awhile...

  2. arr!!! noel!!!!!!!! dat is wat i wanna do frm last mth!!! bloody slut u!! copycat! now must find new pic already..-nora

  3. err...take this line from Nike. Just Do It! god knows how many people have this tattoo. Think about it babe...

    If you get this done, you'll know of someone else that has the same tatt. Someone that has always been nice to you. Right? Right? Right?

  4. hahaha.. u notty boy!! nvm, u do turtle, i do tortoise ok?? ok??


  5. heh! do a ninja turtle babe! a nice sexy one...


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