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@ random 30.09.07

Every now and then you’ll see a post like this one. It’s my random thoughts rolled into one post. Here we go…

Myanmar – This country has been in my nightly prayer ever since the mass protest broke out. I strongly feel that whatever is going on in that country is wrong. These people deserve their freedom and when you push your people to a corner, you’re bound to piss a hell lot of people off. Countries like Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia need to step in and show the world that we are capable of maintaining peace in our neighbourhood. If it boils down to a point where our military has to intervene and help the people of Myanmar, it will be the right decision to make. Don’t you think?

Old friends – It’s awesome to have old friends read this blog. Dawn Pereira, Jerome Teng, Shirley Ong, etc…Thanks for reading and do come back soon!

President’s Star Charity 2007 – I think it’s awesome that President Nathan is taking part tonight. He’s a lovely old man ain’t he? Well, the President’s Star Charity is live on 5 from 7.30pm!

Live The Dream – Let’s talk about the contestants for a bit. I’m sure you know who I’m gonna talk about. Yep, Victor Tang! Why is he still in the freaking competition? Robert Sunga is out? Victor is living his dream while home viewers like me are living a bloody nightmare every time he opens his mouth. If it’s one thing that Singapore has thought me is this…If you can’t sing and would like to join a talent contest, Mediacorp is the place to go to. Enough said!

My advise to the producers of Live The Dream is to stick to radio deejays as hosts of live shows. As much as I like Gurmit, Daniel Ong faired much better on SI 2. Radio jocks are used to the LIVE factor and they speak extremely well. I personally think that Angel Teo would have made a better host compared to Michelle Chia.

Well, I need my daily dose of Championship manager. It’s an addiction I tell you! Enjoy your Sunday and leave a comment if you wanna share your views and opinions. Cheers!


  1. Military intervention is something most governments would try to avoid, especially for a small country like Singapore.

    It's ultimately a vicious cycle. Look at the States. We all know how that turned out...

  2. Military intervention is something most governments would try to avoid, especially for a small country like Singapore.

    It's ultimately a vicious cycle. Look at the States. We all know how that turned out...

  3. I pity those innocent citizens in Myanmar as they serious dont deserve these kind of shits.

    I like the cat tatt on your header! It is very beautiful!!

  4. lounge lizard: i didn't mean go to war with them you dork! i meant peacekeepers. like what we did in Timor and some other places that I shouldn't mention here.

    joycie: hmm...its tattooed on my calf. it's also on my sister's rib area :)

  5. Cool! I wanted to do a Jap Koi on my back but my threshold of pain is very low so I have been holding back.

  6. Well Joycie, I think a koi on your back sounds ultra sexy! Trust me when I say this, women have a higher threshold of pain. Tattoos do hurt but it isn't as bad as most think.

    The initial couple of minutes will probably hurt the most. I say you should get tattooed. And I know just the person that can tattoo a kick ass koi!! heh!

  7. Far East Plaza...his name is David. I've seen his koi work and it rocks!

  8. So nice mention my name. ahah.

    World peace! world peace! *miss universe always say*

    Victor tang ahah. duh.

  9. oh i kinda agree to gals being better in pain threshold but i should say our pain threshold is better den foreigners i was getting my 2nd session gosh i saw this sweden guy he shiver like...i don't know man. i asked whether its too cold or was it too painful...he said its painful. huh?

    joyce: if you really cnt take the pain no more.. put some numb cream. ;p

  10. is that right? which part of his body did he get inked? if its the rib or back, i'd understand. but if its the arm, you should have slapped him.

    i've seen a guy piss in his pants. another fainted. both were at this studio near nee soon camp.

    as for those that can't take the pain, there is a doctor that can help. one tiny injection to help with the pain for 4 hours. anything above 4 hours and you're better off wishing for the best!


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