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Never in my life have there been so many pictures of myself high or drunk! I used to be a drunkard and now I’m a paid to be an alcoholic. Life rocks huh?

I’ll let these pictures do the talking.

Passed out on Rachel's living room's floor...

I don't recall walking around the bar with this stupid afro wig...

Passed out again at home

One of the few times i've passed out on the Living Room's bar

I guess it's cool to fall asleep. Wearing a wig isn't that bad either. But walking around the house with a pan on my head??! I need HEEEEELP!!

(ps: i'm buying Anil a beer the next time I see him)


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  4. OMG ... is that what you do in private?? Are you a closet nutcase?? Actually, closet would mean no-one knows ... but since you've put it on your blog for the world to see ... then I guess you're alright. Maybe just slightly insane. Lemnme know if you want a new pot for your birthday. xxx


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