Virgo Sexuality

You are not the most highly sexed sign of the zodiac, but you are perhaps the most intellectual. At the same time, being an Earth Sign, ruled by the planet Mercury (the messenger of the gods and the ruler of intellect and communication), you like to keep a critical eye on the proceedings with a view to not letting things get out of hand. You will experiment with a good grace, especially if convinced that you can trust your partner not to make too much of a mess, or leave things in total disarray, but basically you prefer a more refined form of sexual relationship, wherein sex has its place (in the bedroom) and decorum rules.
A meeting of minds is what you really prefer, although this is not to say that you never get horny. The more adventurous amongst you will throw caution to the winds for a while as you sow your oats, but will invariably need to return to your own ordered spaces to consider and categorise the experience.
Admirers must realise that Virgo can be quite spectacularly moody and may lash out with a sharp tongue if an affront be perceived, but can be assured that if they are well-presented and trustworthy, you will respond well to the slow but steady approach.
In the art of lovemaking, you present a slow-burning fuse that, once properly lit, ignites an explosion of white heat which can take a while to cool down. Moreover, you can be a devoted and caring partner for someone with whom you feel an intellectual rapport and whose mind you respect.
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