National Day Parade 2012 NE Show
After attending a good number of NDP media briefs at the floating platform and Gardens by the Bay, I'm going for the National Education (NE) show this Saturday. Some look at the NE show as a full dress rehearsal before the biggest party of the year but I think it's more of giving our youths a chance to watch a beautifully choreographed show.
The energy level is gonna be perfect and I'm looking forward to the fireworks. My fellow 'save the wild boars' supporter Gurmit Singh is hosting NDP yet again along with other emcees. NDP wouldn't quite be the same without Gurmit right? I think not!
Oh, I'm a huge fan of the Red Lions so watching them skydive live will be awesome! I'll bring my camcorder along so do look out for a sneak preview of NDP 2012 on Monday or Tuesday.
I'm bringing Stephanie to the show and I hope she enjoys it. Let's just hope she doesn't wear yellow! She is Malaysian after all. LOL! Damn Saturday can't come soon enough!
(who else is blogging for NDP 2012? find out here:
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