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4 days to Ho Ho Ho...

It’s 4 days to Christmas!! I hope all is good on your end and you’re looking forward to Christmas. I’m so looking forward to Christmas. It’s gonna be all so beautiful!

I’ve got a Christmas Eve party to attend. Two actually... I’ve already declined the first invite and I’m thinking real hard about the second. I don't want is to wake up on Christmas with a bloody hangover! The last thing I want is to lose my sense of taste and screw up Christmas dinner.

Along with my sidekick Ant, I’m cooking up a feast for the Boyd household. Here’s the menu I sent out to the Boyd’s earlier today…

I can’t wait!!! I plan to invite my best buddies Don, Leonard Vijay and Vik over for dinner. They’re extremely close to my parents and it’ll be nice to have them for company. My dad hasn’t been in the best of health this year and it’ll do him a whole lotta good if my best friends were over to spend some time with him.

As you can see from the previous post, I got another tatt yesterday. Vik has been working on my right leg for some time and we’re almost done. It’s looking awesome! Tahiti art is the bomb! If all goes well, my right leg will be completed by early 2008.

It was nice bumping into Cher yesterday. I haven’t seen her in ages! She’s looking good and most importantly, she looks happy. Right babes? Well, Cher has a kick-ass blog. Do visit her blog after you’re done with this post…

On a negative note, my condolences to the family, relatives and friends of Mann. Mann is the boss of Primitive Art @ Far East Plaza. The tattoo fraternity in Singapore has lost a brother. God bless and stay strong!

My condolences also go out to Terrence and Cindy. Terrence’s dad passed away on Wednesday after a long fight with cancer. It’s never easy to lose someone you love. Take good care guys and be strong.

I’ll end the post with this quote…Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.


  1. eh wtf man.

    eurasian xmas no devil curry?!?!?!?!

    that's blasphemy i tell you!

  2. errr...the Portuguese eurasians are the ones that cook devil curry. i'm a dutch eurasian. my sister is supposed to know these kind of things. sigh...

    we're the cheese people! lots and lots of cheese... yum yum!

    anyhows, I tried devil curry once and I don't like it. well, i'm fussy about the food I eat.

  3. You don't like curry devil!!Dude!Maybe u juz haven't tried da kick-ass ones!Btw, i saw ur pics from ur zoo days! wakakaka!! Damn cute and skinny u were! Lol. Yes,I am happy and all so in the festive mood!! And ur menu looks so yummy!

  4. the one I tried was supposed to be kick-ass! i'm really a fussy eater. i love indian curry. but i hate the chinese style curry.

    i guess devil curry isn't quite my thing.

    haha...boy was i skinny then. i cringe every time i look at those pictures. hopefully the food turns out as yummy as the menu. if it doesn't, there's gonna be some unhappy Boyd's around.

    Happy Holidays babe =)


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